5 Overlooked Fly Fishing Items You Shouldn’t Forget

Fly fishing can be extremely relaxing and fun, but it can also be very frustrating if you forget an essential piece of gear. While there are some obvious things that you probably won’t forget like your rod or waders, there are a few things that often go overlooked. Here are five things you don’t want to forget!

Headlamp or Flashlight

Whether you are going to your spot super early or leaving it after dark, there are going to be some situations where you need a light source. Even if you don’t intend to stay out that late, it is always a good idea to bring a light along just in case. Plans can quickly change, and you don’t want to be out in the dark without some light.


Fly fishing takes place outdoors and in the sun, so don’t forget sunscreen. This will help protect your skin and prevent any painful sunburns. Just remember to reapply every couple of hours, especially on warm and sunny days. 

Fishing Hat

Along with sunscreen, a good way to protect yourself from the sun is a fishing hat. This will help protect your head, neck, and face from the sun and its glare off of the water. The shade that it provides to your eyes will also allow you to better see in the water, therefore becoming more effective. Your hat can be whatever shape or size you want it to be, just make sure it fits well so that it does not come flying off during a strong wind. 


While a hat helps your visibility, the best way to cut back on the sun’s glare is a pair of sunglasses. Even if you are expecting a cloudy day, it is a good idea to bring along some glasses just in case. Because the water will reflect sunlight, it can make it harder to see and even damage your eyes. Being able to see through the rays of the sun and these reflections will also allow you to see more fish in the water. 


Something that you may not need very often but should always come with you is a simple raincoat. These can be incredibly lightweight and pack up very small, so they will not be a burden to bring along. They can also be a lifesaver should the weather suddenly change while you are out fishing. Even during the summer, a good raincoat and maybe even an insulating layer can help should you run into any adverse weather conditions. 


Leases of the week - 05.11.22


Leases of the week - 05.04.22