Campfire Stories - What’s Your First Memory of Hunting?

No matter how long you have been hunting, there are a few pivotal moments that you will no doubt remember forever. When a kid goes and makes the decision to become a hunter, this simple decision can result in many life changing experiences not only for themselves, but for those around them as well. 

Every single one of us was a first time hunter at some point, whether it was as a kid yourself or maybe a little older but one thing is the same: you never forget your first hunting experiences. And once you have kids who are then old enough to hunt, you get the opportunity to relive many of these same experiences again through their eyes. It will help you to remember everything that you went through on your own hunts, although now you get to experience it through a more knowledge and experienced perspective. 

A first time hunting experience can be an amazing experience, but it should be done with care. Whether it is hunting for large game like deer or small game like squirrel or rabbit, there are many things that you will encounter that have the same impact. But while there is no doubt that a first duck hunt, squirrel hunt, or even turkey hunt can be one of the most memorable hunting experiences for a young kid, there is something special about a first deer season that most hunters will never forget. 

Deer hunting is one of the most iconic and enjoyable hunting experiences that a person can have. Showing a kid how to scout, what signs to look for, and pointing out deer to them can be just as exciting as harvesting a deer in itself. I still remember being a kid and looking for tracks in the mud, hair on a barbed wire fence, and game trails through the woods. And when you get the chance to show your own kids these things, they become even more special.

Kids will soak up this information and once they put their minds to something, it is hard to get them to focus on anything else. They will love to be out in the woods if you give them the right experiences, and will take to it like a fish in water. While there are many different things that go into a good youth hunt, the number one thing to remember is to have fun. If you ensure that the kids have an enjoyable time, then they will want to continue to be out in the woods! 

While you can have your hunting memories at any age, there is something special about your first memories of hunting as a kid. If you take your own kids out hunting, focus on making the time as fun and memorable as you can and then you can rest assured that they will have some of the best first hunting memories that they can possibly have! 


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Leases of the week - 09.29.21