How to Pattern Turkeys for Your Next Hunt

The most successful turkey hunters often head into the woods with a plan already in place. They have done their homework and have patterned the turkeys in order to know exactly how to best hunt them. So how can you learn to pattern turkeys and do the same? Here are a few simple tips to begin to pattern turkeys and best hunt them.

Locate Roosting Trees

Turkeys are creatures of habit and tend to roost in the same general areas. You can find these trees by going out at night and owl hoot, although this isn’t always 100% effective. Combine this with early morning trips before the sun comes up. Go out and simply listen for gobbles, and then mark these locations on your map. 

Watch the Fly Downs

Figuring out where they are roosting is only the first step of the process. The next is to figure out which way they go when they fly down from their roosts in the morning. While they may not fly down in the same direction every single day, you can still get a good idea of where they may go the majority of the time. The last thing you want to do is set up on a roost before light and have the turkeys fly down and head in the opposite direction. 


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Find Travel Corridors

After they fly down and get comfortable, turkeys will usually be on the move somewhere. This is often their preferred feeding area. If you can find their roosts, as well as their favorite feeding areas, you can start to piece together the travel corridors that they use to go back and forth. These are often some of the best places to set up and ambush turkeys as they move between two of their main areas. 

Scout During the Day

Many hunters may scout early mornings or the evenings, but few will actually scout during the day. When the hunt rolls around, they have no clue where to begin when it is time to hunt during the middle of the day. Scout during the middle portions of the day so you do not face this same problem during turkey season. This will give you a better idea of where the turkeys go and what they are doing at that time of day.

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