Midday vs Early Morning Turkey Hunting, Which Is Best?

Ask for some turkey hunting tips from a veteran hunter, and they are sure to have plenty for you. But one important tip may often go under the radar: the best time of day to call in a bird. It’s no secret that early mornings are a favorite amongst hunters, but can the middle of the day be just as effective?


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Those in favor of early morning hunts will argue that it is much easier to call in a gobbler as he is coming off of his roost. Getting in close during the early morning hours and being present when they fly down will help you get to the toms before hens or any other distractions can get to them. On the flip side, many hunters love the middle of the day because hens will leave the toms to go back to their nests. This leaves them alone and more prone to come to a call. The theory is that this allows you to avoid the competition of real hens that are near the toms in the mornings and wait for a better opportunity later on. 

So which time of day is the best for turkey hunting? Both can be great. Both can also change depending on the day. Just like in fishing when the bites occur on a specific type or color of lure and the next day it changes, the same can be said for turkey hunting. What works one day could easily change the next. This uncertainty makes it hard to say if early mornings or middays are the best.

The time of year and the weather can also play a major role in how well gobblers will respond to calls and break away from hens. Depending on what time of the season, the turkeys may or may not be actively breeding. This will play the biggest role in how effective both mornings and middays are at calling in toms. 

Regardless if you prefer to hunt early or later in the day, the best thing you can do is get out there for both time periods and see what’s working. Once you start to figure out the birds, you can adjust and adapt your hunting schedule to find the best success!

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