What is the Best Hunting? Snow, Rain, Cold, Hot?

We as hunters always have our best case scenarios for the weather in mind every time we head out to the woods. But contrary to what most people believe, great hunting can be found in just about any type of weather or conditions. So when is the best time to be out hunting? Should it be in the snow or rain? What about cold or warm weather? Let’s talk about it! 

Hunting in Snow and Cold

Generally speaking, some of the best deer hunting is found during colder weather. Cooler and cold weather will keep the deer from overheating and allow them to stay active longer throughout the day. During the rut, this cold weather will keep you hunting longer and seeing more deer. During extreme cold or heavy snowfall, however, the deer will get too cold and shut down. They will avoid moving to conserve heat and energy, so the hunting can be difficult. 

Hunting in the Rain

Deer are not particularly bothered by the rain, and will usually be active all day long during a steady rain. This is especially true if the light rain continues for several days at a time. In fact, rain really only discourages hunters more than anything. Deer will continue to feed and socialize during rainy conditions, so you should come prepared with rain gear in order to take full advantage of this activity. 

The only time rain will really affect deer is if it is extremely hard and pouring cats and dogs. In rain this heavy, deer will cease their activity and wait until the storm lets up. If the rain is light or a steady drizzle, they will be out enjoying it. If you find yourself in very heavy rain, just wait it out until it passes as the deer will be doing the same thing. After a heavy rain can be the best hunting out there. 

Hunting in the Heat

Hunting in hot weather can be the most difficult conditions to face while looking for deer. Deer will not be very active during warmer days, and instead will bed down in shady areas to wait until the evening and night when temperatures finally drop. If you find yourself having to hunt in hot weather, the best thing you can do is set up on or near their water source. The only reason a deer will move during the hottest parts of the day will be to get a drink of water. Otherwise, focus on hunting the early mornings and late afternoons for the best chance at success. 

Final Thoughts

No matter what type of weather conditions you face, there can always be great hunting to be had. Most people would think “bad” weather such as rain and snow will ruin a day of hunting, but in reality they can give you some of the best hunting experiences of your life! 


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